Monday 29 August 2016

How to buy the right, and a comfortable bed?

How to buy the right, and a comfortable bed?

Bed - this is where you will spend the most pleasant hours in your day. Since it depends, among other things, the quality of your sleep. In this case, it can choose the first available model like in design and price? Of course, no. It is necessary to pay attention to many details. Which ones? Let's investigate.

The size of the bed

If you choose a bed for one person, it is best to buy a standard truck width of 140 cm. If necessary, it can fit two people, but, of course, sleep is pretty crowded. Standard width for the dual model - 160 cm You can find bed and with a size of 180 cm and 200 cm even, but in this case it is necessary to take into account the size of the room sleep ..
At large double bed can not buy one ordinary and two single mattresses. This is useful in case of couples physique and their different preferences.
If you want to sleep stretched out either side, or often Werth in bed, do not deny yourself the space.In fact, many people can not sleep and sleep well, if their movement is something as minimal.
This option, like the length of the bed is the only high-VIPs. They often feel uncomfortable when a foot serious or even a large part of legs hanging over the edge of the bed. The length of a bed is about 185 cm usual, sometimes 2 meters. To choose a longer model, you need to set this option separately for an additional amount, of course. If you buy a custom bed, mattresses are guaranteed a perfect fit for its size.
The third option - is the height. The tax rate is usually about 50 cm to the edge of the bed around below the knee of an adult. With such a comfortable bed and sat up on it. To understand this corresponds to your height, try it out in the store. Sitting on the edge of the bed, ensure that your entire surface touching the floor. Then stand up and vote, it is convenient if you can do it.
For an elderly person it is better to buy a higher bed. If you want to buy a multi functional model with drawers inside, be prepared that it will be higher than the standard size.
So, come to the store, find out the following:
  •  1exactly like the bed size. If the seller says it is standard, ask specific numbers.
  •  2Check how many centimeters is not only a fool, but the entire bed. This is especially important when it is placed in the room.
  • 3Do not be afraid to ask for one that is entirely on your favorite model on the bed and stretched your legs, as in a dream . Make sure feet are not just hanging, but still have a reserve of at least 7-10 cm before the end of the bed.
  • 4If you want to buy a single bed, check to see if you fit the width. Lie down and folded his hands behind his head. Elbow not hang? Well, then someone on there will be enough space. The same principle works for couples who choose a double bed - your elbow is not much overlap.
Before going to the store, where the planned measure to put the bed. It is located in the digits received and select the bed, but remember, the more it is, the more comfortable sleeping on it.

Design bed

The most important part of the design - a frame including a base, a back, and leg appendages. In some models, the foot may be absent, but their roles are played by members of the side, adjacent to the floor.
referred to as the bar side can have different shapes. If they are small, you do more decorative role, rather than functional. Big stick, which is part of the frame, making it possible to add a bed and multifunction storage box underwear.
However, as a large bed, which rest on the floor of the bar, not all visually pleasing. In addition, these models are considered less hygienic because they are just as clean under completely pushed over to the bed.
Bed legs look leaner, easier to clean under it, but not all models are equipped with a wardrobe.Before buying, make sure the power vacuum. They must be made of metal and hardwood species.Many reliability beds tied fifth leg between.
If you like a particular bed, but not satisfied with the price, it can leave the back foot. It is not advisable to purchase a model that has no beginning, because it performs several important functions. The first is the protection of the wall behind the bed. Second, back and cushion have something to build on. It is not necessary to buy a model where the head of the bed for linen box. In fact, the hardware used in the bed is not the best quality.

The base of the bed

If you are a good bed price seems too low, check with the seller, is whether the cost of orthopedic facilities or a bed without him.
Current models are equipped with a bed base is orthopedic. Previously, its functions are performed by the bottom of plywood or chipboard. It is not bent, the bed is quite hard and uncomfortable.Today, this part is a frame made of wood or steel, on which the elastic strips of wood. In a so-called stick foil. Their function is to bend under the weight of the body and has some of the load off the mattress itself. Orthopedic mattress base is longer.
Note the number of lamellae. The more of them, so, of course, the higher the price, but also credible. The strip can withstand a lot of weight and rarely break. Faster no elements that connect them to the blade chassis than themselves. This proves that the physical strength from which they were created. This could be birch or beech. The least expensive model of using birch wood beds and luxury beds with oak slats.

What to do if the bed creaks?

Typically, this happens because the poor quality of the collection. If the warranty period has not expired yet, feel free to call the Masters, is required to determine the cause and repair free beds.Normally starts when the rickety bed frame, or some parts loosening. Sometimes this can be caused by the spring mattress. Then, it will be necessary to get a new one.

How to choose a mattress?

Do not think that the mattress is most useful - it's hard. This version of the mattress will do more harm than good and thoroughly spoil the dream because it will not support the whole body evenly. It is desirable to choose too soft and models, because you need to support your spine.
Orthopedic mattress for good effect, but only if its attachment is not hard springs. Spring mattress is made of foam rubber, meets all environmental indicators and hypoallergenic. This model is completely breathable and provides a long time. When it comes to expensive natural spring mattress does not, then it is filled with coconut fiber.

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